What is Lime-ROK?
Lime-ROK is a lightweight, prefabricated engineered limestone wall panel. It’s a high-performing and cost-effective alternative to smooth-cut Indiana limestone that will add value and elegance to your project without breaking the bank.

Advantages of Lime-ROK Over Natural Limestone
Higher Impact Resistance
Lime-ROK is made of glass fibre reinforced concrete (GFRC) GFRC has a higher compressive and flexural strength than conventional concrete and natural stone. To confirm this, we conducted an impact test on both Lime-ROK and an 8” thick limestone block - Lime-ROK performed better.
Lower cost
Lime-ROK is about half the cost of Indiana limestone cladding and the cost advantage increases when larger panels are used. Why? Because Lime-ROK is a man made product so it doesn’t cost us more to make a larger panel. With natural limestone, the larger the slab, the higher the price.
Highly moisture resistant
Lime-ROK’s lamina is made primarily of glass fibre reinforced concrete (GFRC) and contains a nano-penetrating sealer. As a result, it has a lower moisture absorption rate and offers better protection from stains than natural limestone.
The natural limestone blocks used for cladding generally weigh between 40-50 lbs per square foot. By contrast, Lime-ROK weighs only 3 lbs per square foot, so no structural support or mechanical fastening is required.
How it's made
We apply a ⅜” high-impact, GFRC lamina to a 1” expanded polystyrene insulation board. Our cement coating contains a nano penetrating sealer to repel dirt and moisture.
We run the panel through a surface grinding machine to give it the same authentic appearance of natural honed limestone.
We CNC trim all four sizes of the panel to ensure accurate sizing. This allows for more precise grout joints to be achieved, resulting in a high-quality result.
How it's Installed
For existing construction, Lime-ROK can be installed directly over existing masonry (provided the substrate is in good condition). For new construction (or where the substrate is not in good condition), Lime-ROK is installed over a EIFS wall assembly, replacing the finish coat. In both cases, Lime-ROK is adhered to the wall using an exterior grade polymerized adhesive. No mechanical fastening or structural support is required.
Lime-ROK is installed in a similar manner to limestone cladding: (1) cut to size; (2) install in a desired pattern; (3) grout the joints. As is the case with limestone or precast panels, pattern layout and joint location are important aesthetic elements that need to be carefully considered.

Available Sizes
We offer three standard sizes:
*Panels can be cut to smaller sizes as desired using a diamond blade.